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Love To You by The Fullmary’s


Reviewed by Harry Kaplan

When you think of rockabilly and garage music, I’ll bet you don’t think Limoges, France. Well guess what? That is where the Fullmary’s are from. They have perfected that American garage and rockabilly sound. Love To You is a cross between AC/DC, The Cramps, and The Red Aunts. Lovely female vocals with the perfect amount of attitude and volume. Also great loud and free swingin’ guitars that are a little sloppy and a lot lovely. 

Dance (track 3) is a loud and raucous number that is about dancing on the bar. It is a great song. Again sporting the loud and somewhat sloppy sound that I love. It is all that is right with punk rock. That feeling that anything goes. Just try it out and see if it flies. And Dance flies. If it had wings, it would fly the hell out of here. Another song I am going to put in heavy rotation. Turkey Fever (Track 6) is a punk rock/rockabilly number that is of anthemic proportions. Lofty words, I know. But Love To You lives up to all my accolades and maybe surpasses them. This is the shot in the arm rock and roll needs every once in a while. This is one needle I don’t mind getting. Thank you sir, may I have another?

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